
Local Companies

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Large Employers
Venture Capital Firms
Biotechnology Firms
Private Companies
Banking Industry
Accounting Firms
Defense Contractors




We have provided a listing of companies we think you should be aware of.

    San Diego continues to grow economically and is a vital stepping stone to the International Community.  Our close access to Institutions of Higher Education (IHE's) provide our business community with a vast array of young professionals.  Large Employers and Venture Capital Firms within the San Diego area provide the engine for economic growth. 


    Biotechnology Companies within our community continue to provide seed monies for many small Private Companies involved in medical advances seen today.


    Banking is an important element in the economic growth of our business community.   Accounting Firms nationally known serve many of our growing companies.


    Defense Contractors is a growth industry since San Diego has many military bases and continues to grow as a function of demands based on worldwide demands.  


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